August 31st : Mock the Garden II @ Memory Lanes

Music @ 7:30. Two Stages, Bands Every Fifteen Minutes. FREE. 

Proto Rig, Cherry Cola, Straight Panic, Wildcat, 
Arnolds Big Outrageous Muscles, On the Cinder (CA), MRS, 
Lutheran Heat, Cock E.S.P., Cool Dog, Vats, NON-,
 Pleasure Wounds, Näive Sense, Yoni Yum, Syndikids, 
Transitional Species, Weakwick, Wretch, Junk Bomb, Teenage Moods, 
Animal Lover, Surrogates, Gay Henry, & #YOLOING IN HELL. 

August 17th : Tourniquet Noise @ Kitty Cat Klub

August 16th @ The Palace of Positive Feeeeeling

Straight Panic, Dead Actress, Anthony Amelang, Leo Brochu,
 Mole Hole, Dolce, Zeth Vanhorn, 
Transitional Species, & Permanent Waves
there will be food. bring beer, more food, & good spirits.
1pm. FREE